Pillars of Wellness

“But, you see the trend, if some pillars are ignored, the building will fall down eventually.”
What are the Pillars of Wellness? Why should you care? How does someone become Healthy?
There are many ways one can view their health; medically (eg. “I have no diagnosed disease, therefore I am healthy), physically (eg. “I can run 5 miles and lift 100 lbs, therefore I am healthy”), nutritionally, emotionally, socially and so on.
Essentially, everything existing around you is a part of your health or wellness in some way. If you have a pristine food and exercise regime, you are likely an exceptional athlete. However if you never leave yourself time to socialize, your overall mental and emotional health will likely suffer. In time, these often begin to affect physical health. If your food and exercise could use some work, but you have worked a lot on your mental and social well being, good job! But, you see the trend, if some pillars are ignored, the building will fall down eventually.
If we view the Pillars of Wellness model as someone being considered healthy, only when all of the pillars are maintained and given the attention they need, then we have something.
Squamish Chief Seattle says it best:
“Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things are connected.”
Now, before you go thinking this is just all about woo-woo spiritual things…
We can relate to the “web” by looking at your family home as one. One thread each for:
- the physical house
- finances to keep the house
- for the people in it
- you, your needs
- the needs of others
When one part of the web is damaged, the whole web is fragile.
With this knowledge in mind, take a moment to look at your life and reflect:
Which of your pillars need some attention?
Which of your pillars is strong?
Are there any obstacles that seem to be consistent with all pillars? (example; work schedule, self confidence, family demands, financial etc)
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