Why canine massage?
Its simple. Massage feels good, and it works. Dogs have many emotional and physical ailments they can experience and massage has been shown to help improve them. In this article by Jonathon Rudinger, he discusses the benefits of canine massage and also explains why canine massage is so great. This article is definitely worth the read if you have any unanswered questions. Massage for your dog could be the piece of the puzzle you are missing for his or her overall health picture. If you have experienced human massage you already know all about the benefits. The same experience is available for your dog. Not only is massage a recovery option, but it is also preventative. When the muscles are healthy and have sufficient blood and nutrient flow, then they are less likely to be damaged by a slip or accident. Canine massage can also be a treatment option for separation anxiety. Allowing your dog to enjoy an experience with another person can allow them to become more relaxed without you there. In this article, Mark Oldstrom goes into detail on the anatomy of the dog and explains the way massage works. It is a good read if you enjoy learning about the benefits of canine massage and how it works on the anatomical side of things. In summary, canine massage has many benefits and is worth looking into if you think your dog could benefit. See canine massage for more details on Greenwood Hill Wellness & Rehab services! We are excited to help your canine achieve optimum wellness.Canine Massage: Benefits and Differences From Human Massage
“Pet massage is substantially–profoundly–more and different. Consider the difference between the results of a casual shoulder squeeze and the way your body feels after an hour-long therapeutic massage session.” – Jonathon Rudinger
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